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Products That Helped Me

28 July 2008 One Comment

When I finally decided that enough was enough, I went to a nutritionist to find out what was wrong with me. I had seen her a couple years earlier, but I didn’t follow the diet religiously, so I saw minimal results. This time was different. I’m making major changes in my life, and I don’t want my health to hold me back. Because she had told me previously that I had Candida overgrowth, I first went to the library for books on Candida and searched online to see if I still fit the profile of someone with the problem. I started on a Candida diet to starve the yeast for a couple weeks before I was able to see Pat, my nutritionist, but I would sometimes cheat and was confused by the conflicting information I found.

When Pat ran the BTA test on my urine and saliva, she said that my test results indicated that Candida was again present in my body. I followed the Candida Control Diet and took several products to support my digestive system and starve the yeast.

Para-CleansePara-Cleanse is a 10-day program designed to support the efforts of the intestinal system in
cleansing. This herbal combination supports a healthy intestinal environment. I was told to start taking it five days before the full moon so that the herbs are working when the little parasites and buggies are most active. Ick! I tried not to think about it and did as I was told. You then take 7-10 days off after completing the cleanse and do another cleanse. Therefore, you need two boxes of the 10-day cleanse to complete it.

Probiotic ElevenYour intestine needs the beneficial flora to work correctly. Probiotics support digestion, aid in the elimination of toxins and regulate intestinal functions. Some people eat yogurt to get probiotics, but you won’t find the good bacteria in those sweetened yogurts with fruit on the bottom. I like Probiotic Eleven because it has 11 strains of live microorganisms. It also improves immune functions and is essential if you’ve been on antibiotics. I’ll be taking these the rest of my life to keep my gut happy.

Psyllium HullsEveryone needs more fiber in their diet. I started taking the Psyllium Hulls when I first saw Pat in 2005, and that’s the one product that I continued taking until I saw her again in the middle of 2008. I would try taking the cheaper psyllium products from Trader Joe’s or the bulk bin at the health food store, but nothing gave me the results of this product. It’s a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, whereas most psyllium products only contain the insoluble fiber. That means that Psyllium Hulls Combination sucks up the yucky gunk from your intestine and then sweeps it out, as opposed to just sweeping it out. I love how this works — my stools are cleaner and quicker, if you know what I mean. It’s good to take the probiotics with the psyllium hulls so that the probiotics are pushed into your gut. Mix 1 Tbsp. with 6-8 oz. of water, stir well, chug, and chase with at least 12 more oz. of water.

Stress-JBecause my main complaint is my nervous, upset stomach, Pat suggested that I take Stress-J. This herbal combination contains chamomile, marshmallow root, feverfew and other calming herbs to support stress relief. I took two capsules, three times per day since my stomach is so affected by stress and worry. I’ll probably be taking these the rest of my life, too, unless I can figure out how to keep my stomach from acting up without taking herbs. I know that exercise helps, but I can’t run 3 miles before every situation that makes me nervous. I’d rather take some herbs regularly.

Food EnzymesOur digestive enzymes lessen as we get older. I felt young when I went to the Steely Dan concert at the Greek this year, but, hey, I was still at a Steely Dan concert. I take a couple Food Enzymes right before eating with a little bit of water. I’ve read about food combining, and I try not to drink a lot of liquid with my meals since it supposedly dilutes digestive juices. Since part of my problem may be that my digestive system isn’t doing what it’s supposed to, I take these.

Liquid ChlorophyllPat turned me on to this product when she told me all of the things it does. Liquid Chlorophyll promotes the body’s cleansing functions and deodorizes the body, including the bowel. It’s dark green, and you put 1 1/2 Tbsp. in a glass, fill it with pure water, and drink. It didn’t look that appealing when she first handed it to me, but it has a fresh, minty flavor that I really like. Because I used to have dessert after dinner quite often, I now enjoy a glass of Chlorophyll in the evening. It confuses my head so that I no longer crave something sweet, the way you get tricked into thinking you don’t need another piece of cheesecake after brushing your teeth with spearmint-flavored toothpaste. I have a glass of this in the morning and in the evening. I mix it in the water that I use to chase my psyllium drink and take my other supplements with that glass.

Yeast/Fungal DetoxOn the days when I wasn’t doing the parasite cleanse, I took two capsules of the Yeast/Fungal Detox in the morning and evening. This product creates an unfriendly environment to all of the creepy crawlies living in your gut. Ew. The Yeast/Fungal Detox is part of the Para-Cleanse, which is why you don’t need to take it while doing the cleanse.

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  • Nature Sunshine Herbs for Candida Support Candida Yeast | Weak Bladder (author) said:

    […] Nature Sunshine Herbs for Candida Support Candida Yeast Posted by root 5 hours ago (http://candidaresults.com) 28 july 2008 no comment print this post i 39 m making major changes in my life and i don 39 t want my health to hold me back 2009 candidaresults com powered by wordpress log in entries rss comments rss Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Nature Sunshine Herbs for Candida Support Candida Yeast […]

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