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My Energy Go To Favorite

3 July 2009 No Comment

When you suffer from candida, you usually lack energy. The yeast drains your energy, which can also lead to depression, anxiety and many other maladies. Because I’m a single mom going back to school while trying to earn a living, I often get worn out. I take the supplements I need to keep my stomach in check, but I’ll get lazy and not stick to the candida diet like I know I should. I feel better when I’m on the diet, but it’s sometimes difficult to not cave in to the cravings.

When I’m studying or working, I need an extra energy boost. I’ve found that the Mineral-Chi Tonic full of Chinese herbs really helps my energy levels. I take about a tablespoon of it, then wash that down with water. The taste gets some getting used to, but it works. I like taking things that make me more focussed as opposed to revved up.

I’ll also sometimes take a couple Adaptamax capsules. This product supposedly boosts your adrenal glands (the glands that create adrenalin) and contain ginseng. I don’t know if this product works as well as the Mineral Chi, though. I don’t know if I need to take it more often or just take more of the capsules, but I like that I can take the Mineral Chi just when I need it.

I love when you tell people that you’re stressed and tired, and they tell you to reduce the stresses in your life. I don’t know how to reduce the stresses in my life when I don’t have a choice. I have to raise my son. I have to go to school to get a better job and new career. I have to work to pay my bills. What do you do to reduce stress or to increase your energy?

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